Online Transhumanist Resources 2025
- Abolitionist Project
- Adam Ford
- Alcor
- Alexei Turchin
- Alianza Futurista
- Amara's Digital web (Amara Graps)
- Anders Sandberg
- Andy Miah
- Animal Uplift
- Artificial General Intelligence
- At Any Cost
(Zoltan Istvan, Chris Armstrong)- Aubrey de Grey
- Associazione Italiana Transumanisti
- Ben Goertzel
- Bill Hibbard
- Better Humans
- Blank Horizons
(Kenneth Shinozuka)- BLTC Research
- Brave New World
(by Aldous Huxley)- Broader Perspective
(Melanie Swan)- Center For Responsible Nanotechnology
- Chris Armstrong
- Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute
- Cosma Shalizi
- Cosmist Manifesto
(Ben Goertzel)- Cryonics Institute
- Dan Elton
- Danila Medvedev
- David Brin
- David Pearce
- DW2
(David Wood)- Desmolysium
- Effective Altruism
- Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
- Elon Musk
- Encyclopedia of Transhumanism
(R.U. Sirius & Jay Cornell)- ENDPAIN
(Sean Johnson)- Eric Drexler
- ExtroBritannica
- Facebook Transhumanism
- Finnish Transhumanist Association
- FM 2030
- FM 2030: the movie
- Frank Tipler
- French Transhumnist Association
- The Future and You
(podcasts)- Future of Humanity Institute (FHI)
- Future Hi
- Futurismic
- Futurist Foundation
- Gaverick Matheny
- Genescient
- Giuseppe Vatinno
- Greg Egan
- H+ Magazine
- Hans Moravec
- Harvey Newstrom
- Hedonistic Imperative
- Hedonistic Imperative (FB)
- Herbert R. Sim
- Hugo De Garis
- Humanity Plus / WTA
- H+Pedia
- Institute of Transhumanist Studies
- Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET)
- Immortalists Magazine
- The Immortalists Club
(Dinorah Delfin)- Immortality Institute
- Incipient Posthuman
- Infinite Monkeys
(Robert Johnson)- Institute for Accelerating Change
- Interview on Transhumanism
- Introduction to Transhumanism
(BIOPS video)- Invincible Well-Being
(Jacob Shwartz-Lucas)- Jaan Tallinn
- Jason Silva
- Jason Wang
- Joshua Habka
- José Luis Cordeiro
- João Pedro de Magalhães
- Julian Savulescu
- KateGoesTech
(Kateryna Levchuk)- Keith Henson
(Ray Kurzweil)- La révolution biotech pour reprogrammer le monde vivant!
- Less Wrong
- Lifeboat Foundation
- Life Extension Foundation
- Longevity Meme
- Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI)
- Magnus Vinding
- Människa Plus
- Marginal Revolution
- Marios Kyriazis
- Mark Walker
- Marvin Minsky
- Max More
- Max Tegmark
- Metabiological
- Metamagician and the Hellfire Club
(Russell Blackford)- MetaModern
(Eric Drexler)- Meteuphoric
(Katja Grace)- Methuselah Foundation
(Aubrey de Grey)- Michio Kaku
- Mind Uploading
- Miron Cuperman
- Modern Wisdom Transhumanist Podcast
- Mormon Transhumanist Association
- Mouvement Technoprogressiste
(French political party)- Nanofactory Collaboration
- Natasha Vita-More
- New Harvest
- Next Big Future
(Brian Wang)- Nick Bostrom
- Nick Bostrom and David Pearce interview
- Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov
- Open The Future
(Jamais Cascio)-
(Mike Johnson)- OPIS
- Overcoming Bias
(Robin Hanson)- Panpsychcast Transhumanism Podcast
- Philippe Van Nedervelde
- Portuguese Transhumanist Association
- PJ Manney
- Ploughshares Fund
- Politics and Ethics of Transhumanism
(Alexander Thomas, 2024)- PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism
(video)- Posthuman Bliss
(Susan Levin)- Preposterous Universe
(Sean Carroll)- Qualia Computing
(Andrés Gómez Emilsson)- Qualia Research Institute
- Quora transhumanism
- Ramez Naam
- Randal Koene
- Reddit Transhumanism
- Reinventing Cockaigne
(Michael Hauskeller)- Riccardo Campa
- Richard Leis
- Robert Freitas
- RU Sirius
- Russian Transhumanist Association
- Slate Star Codex
(Scott Alexander)- Self-Aware Systems
(Steve Omohundro)- SENS
- Sentience Research
- Sentient Developments
(George Dvorsky)- SeVR Channel
- Shtetl-Optimized
(Scott Aaronson)- Shulgin Research Institute
- The Singularity
(Vernor Vinge)- Singularity 1 on 1
(Nikola Danaylov)- Singularity Hypotheses
- Singularity University
- Soft Machines
(Richard Jones)- Stanford Transhumanist Association
- Stefan Sorgner
- Stelarc
- Suffering Eradication
- Technological Singularity
- Techno-optimism: an Analysis, an Evaluation & a Modest Defence
(John Danaher, 2022)- Terasem Movement, Inc
- Trans-Spirit
(Mike LaTorra)- Transhumanism
(Wikipedia)- Transhumanism
(Andrew Pilsch)- Transhumanism as a New Social Movement
(James Michael MacFarlane, 2020)- Transhumanism as conceived by ChatGPT (2024)
- Transhumanism Australia
- Transhumanism Community
(Discord, admin Josh Habka)- Transhumanism: Engineering the Human Condition
(Roberto Manzocco, 2019)- Transhumanism: From Ancestors to Avatars
(Jenny Huberman)- Transhumanism and global governance of human genome editing
(Lílian Santos, 2025)- Transhumanism, Nature and the Ends of Science
(Robert Frodeman)- Transhumanism: Ontology of the World's Most Dangerous Idea
(Benjamin Ross, 2019)- The Transhumanism Pandemic
(Aaron E. McCollum, 2013)- Transhumanism / Philosophy Forum
- Transhumanizm - Posthumanizm
(Cengiz Dağdelen)- Transhumanism Wiki
- The Transhumanist Agenda
- The Transhumanist Council
- Transhumanist Declaration
(1998, 2009)- Transhumanist FAQ
- Transhumanist Party USA
- Transhumanist Party UK
- Transhumanist Politics
- UK Transhumanist Association
- Transpire
(Kate Levchuk)- Transvision 2019
- Utilitarian Essays
(Brian Tomasik)- Utopian Focus
(Institute of Transhumanist Studies)- Unbiased Universe
(Diego Andrade)- Vegan Transhumanists
- Vetta Project
- What is the Good of Transhumanism? (pdf)
- Who's afraid of transhumanism?
- Willian Bainbridge
- World Transhumanist Association (WTA) / Humanity Plus)
- Zoltan Istvan
see too
ChatGPT4 on Transhumanism (2024)e-mail: